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Showing posts from January, 2010

Extracting audio from a "video file" without recompression with Quicktime

I had an .mp4 video file (with audio and video), and wanted to extract the audio to play it independently. (Sometimes the song version used in some music video is better than the original song!) That can be done in a number of ways; with Quicktime it is more or less immediate: Window, movie properties, select audio, extract, File, export. But I wanted to do it without recompressing, since the audio was already in MPEG4 format (ACC). My first impulse was to try mencoder, but it doesn't seem to work, at least not in a few quick tries. But that can be because the version I have installed is somewhat b0rken, or SVN-ish, or macports-ish, or because the output options say they are beta, or because I should re-study the manpage. Again. So while Macports installed my second impulse (ffmpeg), I went back to Quicktime to make sure that there is not some option for "direct", "non-reencoding", "codec: copy" or some such. And there is! But ...

The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect

"It's easy to see our problems and the solution to the problems that we have now. But it is very hard to see how that solution is going to turn on us, and the new problem that it's going to be." From the interview to Roger Williams ("localroger") in the Gday World podcast. He is the author of "The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect" , a "short" (more than 100 pages long) story available online. Very interesting, at least for me, who still had not read any Singularity fiction. Seedy title and a letdownish ending. But pretty good, and some deep stuff, if hard to stomach at times... although it makes sense. Also, very interesting to compare that kind of world to Matrix… and, even more, to Baudrillard's complaints about Matrix . His other short stories, the Passage series, are also pretty good. Donation-worth good. I arrived at this from Yegge's 3rd entry on the "a programmer´s view of the universe" series, ...

PS3 uses bluetooth headset only for voice!

I just bought a stereo bluetooth headset (A2DP, the works), planning to use it to hear the sound from the PS3 while gaming, to avoid having to look for some long audio cable for my normal headphones. Bad news: the headset works, BUT it is only used for voice communication; not for the actual music or sfx from games. Which is something I had not seen mentioned anywhere, and had me chasing around for a while. I finally saw it as a side comment in some FAQ in some forum. So I hope this helps anyone before buying his/her own headset. Soooo lame.

Mini-guía para crear ficheros RTF

Generar un documento RTF simple (sin tablas ni imágenes, por ejemplo) pero con cosas interesantes (fuentes, colores, párrafos, incluso estilos!) es muy fácil. En inglés hay una pequeña guía en , pero no llega a meterse en estilos. También está la especificación completa del formato RTF en la web de Microsoft. Yo necesitaba algo intermedio, y no parece haber guías en castellano, así que aquí está lo que he aprendido y estoy usando.