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Showing posts from 2014

Salted caramel sauce with muscovado sugar

I wanted to try making (salted) caramel sauce with muscovado sugar, but I couldn’t find any hint if it was even possible; the most I could find was someone supposing that it would be impossible or inedible because the molasses would get burnt, and some recipes that included some part of muscovado sugar into a much bigger quantity of normal caramel. But I wanted only muscovado sugar!, so I decided to try and document the experience.

Filing the PIT from Mac OS X

If you are security-conscious, you probably have limited all kind of things that Adobe Reader can do (Javascript, opening links, …). Probably also in you browser configuration (plugin activation or even desinstallation), you OS configuration (limiting which programs can run and when, uninstalling things, etc). You might even have a Mac. ;P But then some program comes around which just assumes things to be standard and doesn’t try too hard to adapt to anything. Like the e-Deklaracje program used for filling in the tax documents in Poland (PIT-37 in my case). Made with Adobe AIR, and needed (?) to minimize the red tape, so the fuckers can count on the user doing whatever is necessary to appease the monster. The first couple of years I used a Virtual Machine with Windows XP for those things. But already for the last couple of years I have managed to do everything in Mac OS X; I only have to remember all the little tweaks that have to be done or undone so the e-Deklaracje program run